Free Productivity Apps For Mac

Mac App Store is the simplest way to find and download apps for your Mac. To download apps from the Mac App Store, you need a Mac with OS X 10.6.6 or later. Developer Tools.

That is enough to make it one of the best productivity apps for Mac. When it comes to taking notes, few apps can be considered to be better than Evernote. Available for nearly all platforms, it has a plethora of features that make it an excellent choice for improving your Mac productivity. Aug 13, 2016. Mac os x freeware. 50 Best Mobile, Web and Mac Productivity Apps To Boost Performance To be optimal in living and business, time management is significantly important. As by learning ways to to get done faster, make us more efficient and feel accomplished.

Know what the best productivity apps for Mac. An app for productivity is not as simple to categorize as a note taking app or a game app, these usually tend to do very different things than the other apps that fall into this category, but the one characteristic that they all have is the fact that they have the same goal, they give you the ability to do certain things in an easier way, they facilitate things for you, and help you do it better and like the name says to make you more productive.

Why do you these productivity apps in your Mac device?

Free Productivity Apps

Free Productivity Apps For Mac

Itunes card app store. But there are so many apps that you can choose from, and what we are going to do next is show you some of the best productivity apps for Mac devices, that can make your work experience smoother and more productive, they all accomplished very different tasks but this are some of the best productivity apps that you need to know about, and the list will hopefully make your choice a little easier:

Best productivity apps for Mac

  • Mac Apps for Productivity. Master time with the best apps for improving productivity. Find a better calendar app, tick off to-do lists, take notes, manage your contacts, take charge of your.
  • Best Productivity Apps for Mac. We pick 15 best productivity apps for Mac in this post. Install them, based on the nature of your work, which will help you to improve efficiency in all related fields. Full Contact is one of the best free productivity apps for Mac for contact management.
  • Alfred 4 for Mac. Alfred is an award-winning app for macOS which boosts your efficiency with hotkeys, keywords, text expansion and more. Search your Mac and the web, and be more productive with custom actions to control your Mac. Download Alfred 4 Buy the Powerpack.
  • Slack: This is an amazing app for those who work online. You can use this to communicate with your co workers, and even if you have the Mac desktop version, you can also download it on your phone, so this way you can just access to this platform everywhere you are, as long as you have internet connection. You can organize different categories and put all your contacts from the platform in every different categories and create groups so you can all chat in the same place.
  • Wunderlist: This is one of the best productivity apps for Mac. It lets you keep notes, and no matter where you are the platform will send you reminders for the projects you have written down there. Another thing that makes it an amazing app for your Mac device is the fact that it’s so accessible.
  • TimeCamp: This is an amazing time and task management. But this is not the only thing that this app is capable of doing, it can also let you create the budgets for the same projects you are managing in there.
  • Google Doc: This app lets you store all the important files you have in different folders, categories and in the order you want. You can choose whether or not you want to keep them private, or share them with your coworkers. It’s also a great way for you to save time and thanks to the fact that everything it’s so neatly organized everything will be so easy to find.
  • Zapier: In this app you can manage all of the apps that are currently on your Mac devices, and thanks to this it can make your work faster since you can simply go from one app to the other thanks to this one with one simple clic
  • Insightly: this is an especially great app for business owners since it works as a way to manage the relationship one has with the customers. You can use it to see the costumer daily reports and manage the tasks, and project time. And it’s a great way to continue communication between you and the customer.
  • Evernote: This is amazing as a way to organize every note you have made, and you can save them or share them with whoever you want to. It has a very easy to use and beautiful interface, one that the users wouldn’t have any kind of trouble while using it. It’s a way for you to get every little thought that doesn’t seem to leave your brain and save all of them somewhere where you won’t lose it and this way since your mind is clear, you can concentrate in whatever it is you need to do.

Best Windows 10 Productivity Apps

Everyone’s productivity workflow has a few weak spots – but the best productivity apps for Mac can patch up these holes.

With the best Mac apps, 2020 can be the most productive year you’ve ever had. Let’s take a look at some of Mac users’ favorite apps:

1. Enhance Your Calls with Krisp

Most people communicate more effectively through voice calls than through text – but poor audio quality can ruin everything.

Krisp increases your call quality by removing background noise from your calls, letting only your (or their) voice through.

This cutting-edge technology puts it among the best productivity apps for Mac since it reduces the time wasted in calls or from misunderstandings.

Top Free Productivity Apps For Mac

2. Speed Things up with CleanMyMac

A full hard drive or sluggish computer can bring your productivity to a screeching halt.

Fortunately, CleanMyMac gets rid of files you don’t need while making your Mac OS run faster.

3. Getting Things Done (GTD) with Amazing Marvin (Also for Android and Windows)

If you’re looking for an all-in-one productivity planner app, Mac users will want to check out Amazing Marvin – one of the best productivity apps for Mac.

It features a Pomodoro timer, time tracking, calendar, task management, project management, and templates for popular productivity methodologies (or create your own workflow).

4. Manage Personal Projects with OmniFocus

If you’re looking for a relatively straightforward personal management app to help you manage your projects, OmniFocus might fit the bill.

It features file attachments, notes, dates, to-do lists, and project planning, making it many people’s choice for one of the best productivity apps for Mac.

5. Stay on Task with Todoist

It’s a free, powerful to-do list app for Mac. Nifty features like natural language let you quickly add and manage tasks with shortcuts.

The paid version adds a few more tools like backups, automatic reminders, and more.

6. Toggl for Time Tracking

If you want time tracking without using an all-in-one app like Amazing Marvin, you’ll like Toggl. It integrates with a variety of apps and even has a Chrome extension.

It earns its place among the best productivity apps for Mac with an outstanding feature: it detects when you’re idle. Say goodbye to opening your Mac the next day to find you accidentally tracked 21 hours while away.

7. Know Where You’re Spending Your Time with Timing

Toggl is helpful, but you’ll always need to turn it on to track where your time is going.

Timing is always watching, letting you know which apps and websites you’re using, and reporting how much time you’re spending with informative graphs.

8. Keep Your Macbook Pro Professional – Organize It with Hazel

As a powerful Mac desktop organizer, Hazel can keep your filesystem in order – automatically.

For example, you can have it sort files into folders, delete unnecessary files, apply tags, and more. This automation gives it its spot as one of the best productivity apps for Mac.

Free Productivity Apps For Mac Laptop

9. Say Hello to Your New Virtual Assistant: Alfred

One of the best free Mac apps of 2020 is Alfred.

It’s an application launcher but does many more small tasks. Think of it as bridging the void between Spotlight and Siri.

10. Avoid Repetitive Typing with TextExpander

Coders are familiar with the productivity boost from text expanders – and now you can tap into that power in everyday life on your Mac.

Text expansion makes it unquestionably one of the best productivity apps for Mac. For example, you could have it automatically expand the text “ty” to “Thank you.”

11. Take and Organizes Notes with Evernote

Evernote has been around for a long time, proving its worth.

It lets you take notes from text, audio, PDFs, and images – then file them into notebooks, sync them to the cloud, and share them with others.

12. Bear – Simple Note-taking Necessities

Sometimes you just need to jot down a quick note or to-do list – not harness the full note-taking power of something like Evernote.

Let Bear do the trick when all you need is a quick, convenient note.

13. Transcribe Notes with Otter

Some notes are simpler to write without typing. If you’re writing a novel, why stare at your screen if you could narrate it?

Otter recognizes audio and transcribes it into notes.

14. Stick Windows Wherever You Need with Magnet

Sometimes you need to view multiple windows at once, and you don’t have enough monitors.

Magnet makes it a cinch to organize and lock windows onto your screen for more multitasking goodness.

15. Don’t Let Your Mac or Ipad Disrupt Your Sleep – Use Flux

Screens emit blue light, which makes it difficult for us to sleep. Need to finish something up right before bed?

Flux adjusts the color of your display depending on the time of day, helping you fall asleep faster.

16. Block out Distractions with White Noise Lite

Best Free Productivity Apps For Mac

There’s nothing wrong with listening to music while you work, but it’s still an extra distraction for your brain.

White Noise Lite provides you with a variety of ambient sounds from nature, colors, and house appliances to keep you focused.

17. Keep Backups Safe with Backblaze

There are few things more terrifying than losing your (or your client’s) files when your Mac crashes or is lost.

Fortunately, Backblaze automatically backs up your hard drive to the cloud, making it simple to restore in an emergency.

18. Write Faster with Grammarly

Even if your grammar and spelling are impeccable, mistakes still happen when sending out an email or writing a document – especially if you’re in a hurry.

Grammarly makes it simple to check your spelling, highlight grammatical issues, and suggest better phrasing and synonyms.

19. 1Password to Rule Them All

Free Productivity Apps For Mac

Ever been in a hurry, but had to run the forgot-my-password gauntlet?

Rather than wasting precious moments of your time, let 1Password remember your passwords for you.


20. Gamify Habits with Habitica

Building proper work habits is critical for productivity – but it’s all too easy to forget that we were trying to develop the habit.

Habitica “gamifies” this process: completing habits levels up your character, unlocks new gear, and even lets you fight bosses with your friends.

21. Use Cold Turkey as an IOS Website Blocker (and More)

Despite our best efforts, digital distractions abound and often get the best of us.

Cold Turkey doesn’t just let you block specific pages of distracting websites – it’ll show you a quote to inspire you to get back to work.

22. The Hardcore Attention App for Mac: Focus

Focus works similar to Cold Turkey – it’ll block distracting websites for specific amounts of time with one click.

Free Productivity Apps For Mac Download

Even better, it’s nearly impossible to disable without restarting your computer – making it a hassle to try and sneak around in a moment of weakness.

23. Unboggle Your Mind Using Mindmaps with Coggle

Mind maps – using visual drawing to chart out an idea or thought process – can be a great way to think through a problem or solution productively.

A physical paper runs out of space, but Coggle never will. Plus, it lets you collaborate on your mindmaps with others.

24. Copy-paste More (and Everywhere) with Copied

Copied a note on your iPhone, and need it on your Mac? Do you find yourself needing to copy multiple things (and keep them in memory)?

Copied saves multiple items to your clipboard and syncs across your devices.

25. Create and Share Screen Recordings with Loom

Loom’s modern interface makes it simple to create and share screen recordings, along with real-time audio and video from your Mac’s webcam.

It’s a helpful app for effective remote work team communication and collaboration.

Solve Productivity Problems with these Apps

We don’t want too many apps, or we risk wasting our time while managing them all. However, strategically picking apps to fill the gap gives you precisely what you need to be more productive.

Which one is your favorite? Let us know, and kick your productivity up a notch with these best productivity apps for Mac.

Free Productivity Apps For Mac
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